The downstairs is finished as far as removing wallpaper. Yay!!
The upstairs bedroom, removing the wallpaper revealed...... more wallpaper! This is the original papered wallboard that has to be as old as the house (1920). And there are 3 layers of it! Fun, fun.
Not quite sure what I am going to do yet, as these other layers are very, very thin. I might put a skim coat on it and paint.
Taking a break from the wallpaper today and started lifting the ceramic tiles in the dining room. That is actually easier than the stupid wallpaper! Glad to get rid of those, they were pink and really cheap looking - not to mention slippery.
Tomorrow I am breaking in the Lowe's project card and picking up the cabinets, and bathroom toilet/pedestal sink.
Change of plans in the renovation schedule, going to do the bathroom first, at least the floor, sink and toilet - so we have something to use while working on the house!