Got a lot done on this house during the week.
- lifted all the ceramic tile
- removed door and drawers from kitchen cabinets, and unfastened all the screws holding the countertop down.
- found a solution to patch my wallpaper problem, and finished the master bedroom (except for 2 corners).
- scrubbed the trim in the living room and dining room to prep for painting
- removed the padlock on the garage and storage shed
- called roofing contractors (getting them to return the calls is another story...)
- raked a season's worth of leaves from the front yard
- lifted the linoleum floor from the kitchen
Goals for this week will include:
- remove the rest of the kitchen cabinets and counters
- remove the toilets
- finish the wallpaper in the other 2 bedrooms
- wash the trim and walls in the rest of the house to get ready to paint
We did find out that our driveway was too small for a dumpster - even the smallest size roll off. The shortness of the driveway coupled with the utility pole at the end created a problem for delivery. We also were unable to get a permit to have the dumpster in the street, since the street is somewhat narrow and close to an intersection. So, all debris is going into the garage, and then a junk out crew will empty that in one shot.