I went to pick up a floor sander today at Lowes, and they only have one - and it was rented out!! I asked about reserving it when it came back, but they said it was first come , first serve. They won't even hold it for me if I call and find out it is back in. Nice, huh?
Can't believe they only have one! I had assumed that there were several, as I always saw a sander available - including Monday when I was there last. Figures that it was gone when I needed it.
So, plans are changing for now. Since it will take me 3-4 days to sand, I don't want to be sanding over the weekend, which would be the case if the sander came back tomorrow. So I will go ahead and work in the kitchen this week. Plywood has been attached on the main counter, now I need to cut the small piece for the cabinet by the stove. Then cement board and tile.
Roofers arrived and have been working hard (along with swearing and smoking - yuck!!). They should be done tomorrow or friday morning. It's gonna look good!
Pic of pavers: