- Replaced panes of glass and trim in doors
- Seeded the back lawn
- trimmed the lilac bushes
- painted trim and walls in living room
- primed the old refrigerator area
- grouted bathroom tile
- installed shower surround
- installed toilet
- installed light fixtures in bedrooms
Had a handyman come today to review some projects (licensed electrician). He is putting in wiring for a hood and a dishwasher. Running plumbing lines for said dishwasher and removing old plumbing from the closet toilet. Plus, he will be putting in a new hand railing outside. He is also working on the circuit breaker box, there are too many outlets on too few circuits, so he is going to fix some of those for me. Work will take about 2 days, and he is scheduled for Wednesday.
Bathroom when I bought the house:

Bathroom currently:

My new sink (dry fit)