Thursday, May 10, 2007

Outside work

The overgrown shrubs are now gone from outside the house. Also, I sanded and painted the columns since it was so warm out. We had someone seal coat the 2 driveways. He was working on the neighbor's houses, and we got him to do ours too. Found out he does junk outs as well, and quoted us a price way less than getting a dumpster would have been to clean out the garage.
Worked out well!

Complete with snow - weird to look at this pic when it is 83 degrees out!


One of the driveways is sealcoated. You can see the guys working on the other one. This is post bush, and pre-paint.


Columns now white (they need another coat). Still have to do the top, but it looks so much better already. We will be planting some stella doro daylilies in front of the house in a week or so.