Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Toilets are gone!

Both toilets are out of the house! Yay! The kitchen closet toilet was nasty, nasty, nasty. There were some sort of maggot things in the bowl and the smell was very fetid. Ugh, ugh, ugh.

Also, the bathroom vanity is out. I had thought of selling that, but turns out it wasn't in as good shape as I thought. A piece just fell off of it (cheap mdf) when I removed it.

Put the pedestal sink in for a test run, and had a panic attack that it wasn't going to fit with the plumbing, but it worked out okay. It's a really beautiful sink, nice and big and opens up the bathroom a lot.

To be filed under 'duh'....
I couldn't figure out why the tub wasn't draining. Had cleared all the hair out of the drain, plunged it out, etc. It was draining, but really slow. Well, turns out the tub stopper was mostly closed. Can't believe I spent so much time trying to figure that out!

Making progress. Will be calling a roofer back tomorrow to schedule the new roof. $4500. Sigh.....