Saturday, January 12, 2008

Rehab week in review

Wrapping things up at house.
This week:
- Installed granite counter tops and grouted them
- reattached all baseboard moldings that weren't broken
- touch up paint upstairs
- cleaned up both bedrooms
- installed bathroom fan grille
- installed shower rod and curtain
- put up some curtains

I have the sink ready to install, however the sink came with these tiny little clips. I need longer/adjustable clips due to the depth of the underlayment. Grrrrr...
My last flip I used an Elkay sink, and it had long adjustable clips. I didn't realize that the sink I bought for this flip would be different. Hopefully I can get those locally and won't have to order them, but will have the sink at least in place to put the house on the market next week. Always seems like there is something that puts the brakes on when you are cruising!